UX Design
UI Design

We de­signed and pro­to­typed the user ex­pe­ri­ence, in­ter­face and nav­i­ga­tion of the new Badi Plus web­site. We de­vel­oped the site with a fully cus­tomized book­ing and pay­ment sys­tem on Woocom­merce tech­nol­ogy in­te­grated with Hos­tify.

Badi Plus is a new service by Badi that offers a home away from home through rooms and stu­dios for rent man­aged by the brand. To differ­en­ti­ate from their tra­di­tional busi­ness, Badi, we cre­ated a dig­i­tal vi­sual sys­tem that al­lowed us to de­sign a clean, fresh and scal­able web­site where the apart­ments were the star of the con­tent.

Badi web­site needed to go be­yond a book­ing sys­tem to be­come a ref­er­ence plat­form of ac­com­mo­da­tion for trav­ellers and dream­ers. To achieve this, we de­vel­oped a con­tent strat­egy based on the de­tail of the char­ac­ter­is­tics of the prop­er­ties and a blog that would be a tool for new­com­ers in Barcelona. With a clear in­ten­tion of or­ganic po­si­tion­ing ver­sus its com­peti­tors, the de­vel­op­ment and con­tent man­age­ment has been de­vel­oped within a con­stantly up­dated SEO strat­egy.