A new look needs a nice pre­sen­ta­tion. With BCNpeptides re­leas­ing up­dated brand by Atipus, they re­quired a new animation sys­tem for their web­site. They con­tacted us for work­ing on a new on­line port­fo­lio able to show their services with best user ex­pe­ri­ence. The chal­lenge? A website that exudes professional without giving up a fresh and trending browsing experience.

Professional, Clean, Easy

Sim­plic­ity on nav­i­ga­tion and ac­ces­si­bil­ity to services were the brief­ing cor­ner­stones. We work on a flex­i­ble in­for­ma­tion ar­chi­tec­ture aim­ing to an scal­able web­site. With a pur­pose larger than a pretty web­site, we develop a mod­u­lar custom WordPress mo­bile first theme with su­per speed load­ing for a we­bapp ex­pe­ri­ence nav­i­ga­tion through con­tents.

Last technology on classical management

The chal­lenge on us­ing lat­est tech­nolo­gies is make them use­ful for com­pa­nies with non tech crew. Word­Press is a pow­er­ful con­tent man­ager known by BCNpeptides team, so we de­velop a tai­lored theme that they could self-man­age. Com­bin­ing these tech­nolo­gies we achieve a sim­ple man­age­ment web­site with a state of the art brows­ing ex­pe­ri­ence.