UX Design
Interface Design

Pretty calm cool & collected cosmeceuticals

Beauté Mediterranea is a locally produced vegan skincare and haircare cosmeceuticals brand. With Kin Dots on communication direction and Bold Brand Builders as its branding team, they contacted us to conceptualise and develop their new international ecommerce website. We created a three-branch team of specialists and tailored a state of the art Woocommerce shop.

Designing an scalable website

With a pur­pose larger than a cool web­site, we de­sign a mod­u­lar wire­frame and pro­to­type a mo­bile first ecommerce. We worked on a flex­i­ble con­tent ar­chi­tec­ture aim­ing to an scal­able web­site so they could actualise the online catalog as new products are introduced in their product brochure as well as creating landing pages for specific campaigns without need of coding.

Gentle animation and super speed loading

An­i­ma­tions were the user ex­pe­ri­ence cor­ner­stones for the web­site, so in aim to preserve the look&feel of the brand we combined gentle animations with text marquees for a clean but with strong personality website design. Speed load­ing is one of the keys for an optimal ecommerce experience, so we worked on super fast loading for a we­bapp shopping experience by optimising contents and combining virtual and CDN servers.