UX De­sign
In­ter­face De­sign
Woocommerce CMS
Sensei Customisation
SEO optimisation

Brum­brum is an un­con­ven­tional dri­ving school based in Barcelona. They needed an e-com­merce web­site where stu­dents could sign up for dif­fer­ent the­ory and prac­ti­cal plans, and be­come mem­bers of Brum­brum’s on­line dri­ving school. 

Brumbrum is a driving school that stands out for its fresh and carefree methodology. We transform their teaching philosophy into an online school where students can easily learn theory concepts and prepare for official exams through interactive quizzes. They can also follow their learning progression through their profile and contact teachers for personalised doubt solving.

Easy navigation and playful animations

An­i­ma­tions were brand­ing cor­ner­stones for Brum­brum, so in aim to pre­serve the essence of the brand we com­bined il­lus­tra­tion an­i­ma­tions with text mar­quees for a strong per­son­al­ity web­site de­sign. Easy check out is one of the keys for an op­ti­mal ecom­merce ex­pe­ri­ence, so we worked on one-page pay­ment ex­pe­ri­ence.